I've been putting up photos of cupcakes that made you go awwwww.... and wow.... Why not, this time we have something different on this blog?
Bloody Brain Cupcakes...
The brains are made out of chocolate, the blood is made out of raspberry sauce and the frosting is cheese. Well, it sounds really delicious, but I will have second thoughts on trying.
If you want to try out the recipe, find out from this flickr user << here>> .
I have the sweetest friends on earth!!!
Before Christmas, Eunice gave me a box of wonderful Christmas cupcakes!
Love the Santa Claus...
It's assorted flavor cupcakes. I took so long to blog about this, now I forgotten the flavours. OK... there's chocolate, gingerbread, vanilla and hmmmm.... Forgot the last one.
I definitely had sugar high after took so much of cupcakes. Yeah, I finished it all in one day.
Another sweet friend, Steph, gave me a box of Bourbon Chocolate Chip Cookies for this Christmas.
The cookies are really rich in creamy chocolate chips. I'm actually eating it right now while typing. I wish you had a sweet Christmas too. Happy New Year!!!
I can't remember how long I wasn't at home to enjoy thong yuen. It's glutinous rice ball filled with crushed peanuts or black sesame inside. I normally buy from the shop, but today, it's the special day. I don't really know what is its significance, but Chinese make thong yuen every year on this day to offer to their late ancestor.
Last night my grandma made some. Now we have endless supply of thong yuen at home. It's only grandma and me, but we have a pot full. Who wants some?
Cakeland is a sculptural installation in Oakland, created to look like a delicious collection of cakes. Featuring cakes placed on tables, stacked on top of other cakes, mounted on walls and even hanging from the ceiling, Cakeland literally looks like heaven for sweet addicts.
But alas Scott Hove’s cakes are anything but edible. Unlike the regular treats that last only until celebrations end, Cakeland cakes are made from acrylic, wood and cardboard and will last “as long as the artist or society have the wherewithal to preserve them”.But that’s not the worst part of our nightmare. In order to protect their delicious beauty, the artists equipped some of the cakes with sharp teeth that act as defense.
Hove says “without this aggressive aspect call it the anti-cake– the beauty is vulnerable, transitory, and not to be respected”.
Cakeland is a very interesting place, but unlike Scott Hove who sees it as a pilgrimage site away from the problems of reality, some might consider it torture. After all finding yourself surrounded by seemingly delicious cakes, without the possibility of even tasting them can be a grueling experience.
Still haven't shop enough for present?
No idea what to give?
I'm at such state right now. And I'm usually the very last minute Christmas shopper.
But this year, I have better idea and I'm going to share it with you. Why not, bake some cupcakes instead?
Inspired yet?
*Photos are retrieved from various sources. If it's your photo please let me know so that I can put up the credit.
Young people nowadays are getting more creative. A group of 18 to 23 years old culinary students created Love Desserts with viagra as one of the ingredients. They presented the masterpiece at the "Gastronomy 2009" culinary show recently. This is s-exciting!
We randomly walked into the shop because we were tired and needed some refreshments.
Eventually i spotted the chocolate fondue...
Let's see what we have on the plate. Strawberry, Banana, Nut, Popcorn, Spanish Donut, Marsh mellow, Cakes, Mini Pretzel (which is uber hard)
We were given 3 choices, if i remember correctly... white chocolate, dark chocolate and milk chocolate. We picked the white one~
Remember how Jerine promoted Steph's pretty cupcake charms? I've gotten one of the dessert charm from Steph quite a while ago... =D
I wish they serve more marsh mellows!!
Delicious spanish donut!
If you happen to come across San Churros, don't hesitate, just GO FOR IT!